The Daily Song Club Internet Website

Listen up, some important things on this page.

First, Message and data rates may apply.

Daily Song Club will send one text every morning at around 9am EST.

It may send more than one text per day. This is in the event of:

Further, Daily Song Club does not promise to send at least one text every day. It may not.

Daily Song Club will not charge any costs outside of messaging and data rates for the life of the service. It may ask for money, if it comes to that. A donation will never be required for the service.

You will not be credited for the songs you have discovered and sent to the club. There is no way to credit you. Your privacy is important to us.

Your phone number is the only information about you that we store in our database. It will only be used to send messages for the service. It will not be sold or given away under any circumstances.

If you have questions or concerns you can email